Chester Zoo Sustainable Palm Oil Project

St.Barnabas Primary School has been very honoured to work with Chester Zoo to help promote their sustainable palm oil project.

The unsustainable production of palm oil is one of the biggest threats to the forests and wildlife of areas where it’s grown like Borneo and Sumatra. Huge areas of rainforest have been cleared to make way for oil palm trees, destroying the habitats of a wide range of animals and plants including orang-utans, tigers, elephants and birds.

Palm oil production is continuing to spread to other countries like the Philippines, Nigeria, and throughout South America.

Chester zoo staff led a series of ‘hands on’ workshops across the school lighting the global issues relating to non-sustainable palm oil production. Working alongside pupils, staff and governors, St Barnabas School community made a pledge to help.

On Friday 17th June, the whole school visited the zoo! We had a fabulous day at Chester Zoo seeing the animals up close and discovering more about the impact of palm oil production around the world.

Following the visit all Yr1 to Yr6 created work inspired by the project such as poetry, persuasive writing, music and art activities.

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During the open evening on Thursday 30th June ,the project was shared with families and the local community. The exhibition was a great success, it was a fabulous opportunity for the children to share their knowledge and offer practical advice to help support the cause!

Click here for more information

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Preparing for a positive future,
achieved through faith

“Let your light shine”Matthew 5:16

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St BarnabasChurch of England Primary School

St Barnabas is a very special place where we prepare our children for a positive future, achieved through faith and aim to give our children the knowledge, skills, self-belief and love of learning to ‘let their light shine’.

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St Barnabas Church of England Primary SchoolCollin Street, Warrington, Cheshire WA5 1TG

Mrs WalshOffice Manager

01925 633606 [email protected]

Miss Jane Hodgkinson | Headteacher

Mrs J Fisher | SEN Contact