Our Christian Values
Our school vision is
“Preparing for a positive future, achieved through faith.”
‘Let your light shine’ Matthew 5.16
“During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus made it clear that we are the light of the world. We are called to shine.
But the light we share is not our own.”
As a church school, we take the teachings of the Bible, the life of Jesus and St.Barnabas, son of encouragement, as our foundation and the inspiration for our school vision and values. Our school vision and values act as a guide to enable all pupils to become effective learners and good citizens; they act as a moral compass to guide them both now and in the future
Each Christian value historically refers to values derived from the teachings of Jesus Christ. These values highlight the distinctive nature of a Church of England school, the values support the Christian vision of education, one that is generous and that seeks to allow the riches of Christian life to overflow to those of other faiths or no faith.
Our school vision and values encourage tolerance, understanding and acknowledgement of all faiths, cultures and communities. Spiritual development at St. Barnabas CE Primary School enables our whole school community to flourish, as we become aware of God, one another, the world around us and ourselves.
We teach, nurture and encourage Christian and Fundamental British Values in the following ways:
Class Values
Our Christian Values are at the centre of everything we do at St.Barnabas CE Primary School. They help us to live out our Christian Vision of ‘life in all its fullness’. Each class has a chosen Christian Value.
Over the school year, children immerse themselves into their class value through a range of activities during whole school values days these include art, drama and global advocacy.
As children continue their journey through school, the chosen class value develops from the previous year to reflect the new experiences and challenges each new year brings. Each class value form the branches of our school badge.
Daily Collective Worship
St.Barnabas school has a structured programme of Collective Worship, which has Christian values at its heart. The worship team carefully considers and choses one Christian value, which is the worship theme for each, half term.
Invitational worship provides the opportunity to express praise and thanksgiving to God. Be still and reflect. Explore the big questions of life and respond to both national and local events linked to the chosen value. Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness of the value in our day-to-day lives while reflecting on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ.
The Curriculum
As a Church of England School, we view Religious Education as a core subject. Christian Values are living values within the school, are taught within RE lessons, termly value days, and are reflected upon across the whole school curriculum.
Fundamental British Values
Where appropriate, we teach Fundamental British values alongside Christian Values.